Dive into God’s Word


If you’re just starting out, there are two resources we recommend that include helpful insights and/or application questions, not just a stand—alone block of text from the Bible.

Even if you have never cracked your bible. Rightnow media has very helpful video you can start with to help you dive into God’s Word that also teaches you how to read it. To avoid getting lost in the sea of videos one we recommend. Look at the Book. https://www.rightnowmedia.org/Content/Series/207386

YouVersion is a free and excellent digital resource that have tons of reading plans to help you get started. There are many versions (translations) of the Bible available. We’d suggest you use the ESV (Thusly, thou wilst need to change it from KJV). There are boat loads of plans. We’d suggest starting with: The Better Reading Plan. In addition to an app for your device, it is also available online at bible.com. You’ll need to sign up for a free account to unlock all the resources, but fear not – it’s quick, easy and secure.


We’d recommend the LifeChange series. There is probably one for every book of the Bible. If you need a suggestion, start with John. These workbooks will guide you through a book of the Bible, offering insights, asking you questions, and providing space for you to record your answers.

Another option is to purchase the ESV Study Bible. It’s an investment, but this would give you a solid translation of the Bible along with helpful notes on each page. There are also reading plans in the back. You can simply purchase the online version for less money. But, if you purchase the print version, you also receive a code for free access to the online version.


Grab a book of the Bible, like John, and start reading through it. Each day, take a section of a chapter and work through the Inductive Bible Study method: Observation – Interpretation – Application. Whether in a notebook or on a computer, write notes as you go.

Observation (What does it say?)

  • As you begin the book, start out with the big picture: Author – Audience – Occasion. A good study Bible or commentary will help with this step.
    o Audience: Who wrote it?
    o Audience: To whom was it written?
    o Occasion: Why was it written?
  • Questions to ask as you read each day:
    o People(Who?)
    o Summary of events(What?)
    o Time—related words/phrases (When?)
    o Places (Where?)
    o Reasons, Purposes, Motives (Why?)
    o Means (How?)

Interpretation (What does it mean?)

  • What is the meaning within/behind/inside the words, like reading between the lines.
  • What do I learn about God.
  • What do I learn about my relationship with God
  • What is the context? (Those are not stand—alone verses; they were written in a context.
  • When it comes to interpreting correctly, context is king.)
    o Within the chapter (look at surrounding verses)
    o Within the book (don’t forget the Author, Audience, and Occasion)
    o Within the Bible (let the Word of God interpret the Word of God)

Application (What should I do?)

  • How does God want me to live?
  • What steps of obedience do I need to take?